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Saturday, September 02, 2006

Physlet Physics: Interactive Illustrations, Explorations and Problems for Introductory Physics - Christian,2989,0131019694,00.html
Physlet® Physics: Interactive Illustrations, Explorations and Problems for Introductory Physics

Wolfgang Christian, Davidson College
Mario Belloni, Davidson College

Publisher: Prentice Hall
Copyright: 2004
Format: Paper; 352 pp

ISBN-10: 0131019694

Our Price: $33.35
Status: Instock
Published: 07/22/2003


For courses in Introductory Physics.

This book and CD package furnishes students with a host of interactive, computer-based exercises and study resources that span the entire introductory physics curriculum. Using a practical yet engaging structure, Physlet® Physics presents a wide spectrum of “media-focused” critical thinking and problem-solving exercises, and provides students with an interactive visual representation of the physical phenomena they see in introductory physics textbooks.

Table Of Contents

1. Introduction to Physlets.

2. One-Dimensional Kinematics.

3. Two-Dimensional Kinematics.

4. Newton's Laws.

5. Newton's Laws 2.

6. Work.

7. Energy.

8. Momentum.

9. Reference Frames.

10. Rotations About a Fixed Axis.

11. General Rotations.

12. Gravitation.

13. Statics.

14. Static Fluids.

15. Fluids in Motion.

16. Periodic Motion.

17. Waves.

18. Sound.

19. Heat and Temperature.

20. Kinetic Theory and Ideal Gas Law.

21. Engines & Entropy.

22. Electrostatics.

23. Electric Fields.

24. Gauss's Law.

25. Electric Potential.

26. Capacitance and Dielectrics.

27. Magnetic Fields and Forces.

28. Ampere's Law.

29. Faraday's Law.

30. DC Circuits.

31. AC Circuits.

32. Electromagnetic (EM) Waves.

33. Mirrors.

34. Refraction.

35. Lenses.

36. Optical Applications.

37. Interference.

38. Diffraction.

39. Polarization.

Appendix: What's Behind the Curtain?

  • 800 Practical Exercises—Contains over 800 Physlet-based activities and exercises that cover all areas of introductory physics.
    • Provides students with a multifaceted study resource so they will better grasp the subject matter.

  • 160 Illustrations—Presents detailed animations that accompany interactive essays throughout the workbook.
    • Visually depicts the concepts for students so they can more easily interpret and retain the information.

  • 160 Explorations—Offers interactive tutorials that focus on a particular topic.
    • Guides students through complex concepts in an accessible manner so they can enhance their problem-solving skills.

  • Opening chapter provides a guided tutorial through the basic functionality of Physlets.
    • Equips both students and instructors with the necessary direction to effectively complete the exercises throughout the workbook.

  • Online Instructor's Guide—
    • Available for qualified adopters.

  • Physlets are award winning Java applets written by Wolfgang Christian—“Physlets” won the 2003 MERLOT Exemplary Online Learning Resources award and the 1998 Computers in Physics Software Competition grand prize.
  • “Physlet® Physics” at no additional cost to adopters of Prentice Hall textbooks—Such as Fishbane, Giancoli, Walker, Wilson-Buffa.

Reader Reviews

"Looking for a visual, interactive, and technological way to teach about physics that will make it easier for students to understand even the most complicated concepts? Physlets is a powerful collection of Java applets that create simulations for most topics in physics. Envelope-pushing programming, giving these applets unparalleled breadth and flexibility, makes Physlets a truly unique and engaging tool." — Excerpt from the 2002 MERLOT Award for Exemplary Online Learning Resources

"Physlets present virtual experiments, like shooting a ball across a room, that are very much like what you do in a physical lab. Physlets permit students to take measurements of the variables like time and distance, and see how changes in variables produce different results. They challenge students to figure out what we mean by terms like 'velocity' rather than just calculating it from a formula. As students succeed with the exercises, they internalize the concepts much more deeply." — Patricia E. Allen, Appalachian State University

"Physlets can be used to support almost the entire undergraduate physics curriculum, as well as many graduate topics. Their flexibility is one of their most important and unique strengths." — Bruce Mason, University of Oklahoma, Editor of MERLOT/Physics, and Director of the Physical Sciences Resource Center

"Physlets represent an additional tool available for training students in using the scientific method through quantitative reasoning, analytical thinking, problem solving, and arguing from evidence. They emphasize the imparting of skills aver the delivery of knowledge. They are definitely at the appropriate level for both our algebra and calculus-based courses. I believe Physlets have the potential to become a most helpful tool in the coming years." — Cornelius Bennhold, George Washington University

"I think that Physlet Physics will have broad applicability at many levels of introductory courses and across many textbooks. I predict it will be a 'hit'!" — Steve Mellema, Gustavus Adolphus College

"Physlet Physics and the accompanying CD-ROM provide an extremely effective vehicle to deliver Physlet 'virtual laboratories' in both hard-copy and relatively trouble-free 'media' modes thus eliminating some of the difficulties using entirely 'wired' (web) deliveries. This makes it easier for professors and students to let Physlets do what they do best-aid in solidification of the qualitative and quantitative conceptual relationships that the known physical laws and mathematics have with the inner workings of the universe we live in arid explore." — Edward F. Deveney, Bridgewater State College

Instructor Supplements
Instructor's Guide
Christian, Belloni & Cox
© 2004 | Prentice Hall | On-line Supplement | Instock
ISBN-10: 0131991027 | ISBN-13: 9780131991026

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