Thursday, June 14, 2007

Materials Science and Engineering 224

Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

Prof. Yuri Suzuki

This course covers the fundamentals of magnetism and magnetic materials in the first two thirds pf the class. Topics include classical versus quantum mechanical pictures, diamagnetism, paramagnetism, crystal field environments, dipolar and exchange interactions, ferrromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, magnetic domains, magnetic anisotropy and magnetostriction. Magnetic materials covered include transition metals, their alloys and pxides, rare earths and their oxides, organic and molecular magnets, etc. Throughout the course, experimental techniques in magnetic characterization will be discussed. The second part of the course will focus on particular magnetic materials and devices that are of technological interest ( e.g., magnetoresistive and magneto-optical materials and devices). Additional topics include biomagnetism and spin glasses.

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to fundamental concepts in magnetism and to apply them to our understanding of magentic materials and devices in the world around us. The coursework assumes knowledge of basic electromagnetism, familiarity with some quantum mechanics and a course either in electronic properties of materials (Mat Sci 111) or an introductory solid state physics course. Through the lectures and readings from the text as well as the literature, students will develop an understanding of basic concepts in magnetism and how to apply them to advanced materials and devices. Materials used in devices for information storage, power and medical applications will be addressed.

This course will meet two times a week for ninety minutes. Students will be required to attend class and submit weekly homework assignments to enforce the fundamental concepts in magnetism. An exam on these fundamental concepts will be given during the semester. In lieu of a final exam, the student will submit a final paper, on a topic of his/her choice related to magnetism, along with a final presentation to the entire class.


1. Spaldin, “Magnetic Materials,” REQUIRED TEXT
2. O’Handley, “Modern Magnetic Materials”
3. Cullity, “Introduction to Magnetic Materials” for a classical magnetism reference
4. Chikazumi,”Physics of Magnetism” for a reference with
5. Bozorth, “Ferromagnetism” for a compendium of materials information in addition to fundamental magnetism section
6. Blundell, “Magnetism in Condensed Matter” for a more physics perspective with a good background in quantum mechanics and electromagnetism

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